General English

General English courses run throughout the year and concentrate on understanding and communicating in English through effective language training and modern teaching methods. You follow a syllabus and core text which is designed to help consolidate language learned and develop your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Afternoon lessons concentrate on speaking / listening using real life situations and student led topics.

General English English 20English 20 + Skills 6
Lessons per week20 (15 hours)26 (19.5 hours)
Daily Schedule09:15 – 12:3009:15 – 12:30 / 13:30 – 16:00 (2 afternoons)
Class Size10 (14 max)10 (14 max)
Course BookIncludedIncluded
Course CodeE20E26
Course DatesEvery MondayEvery Monday
English LevelsA2 – C1A2 – C1
Course Length1 to 48 weeks1 to 48 weeks
Minimum Age16 (23 average)16 (23 average)

General English English 20 + Skills 9English 20 + Skills 12
Lessons per week29 (21.75 hours)32 (24 hours)
Daily Schedule09:15 – 12:30 / 13:30 – 16:00 (3 afternoons)09:15 – 12:30 / 13:30 – 16:00 (4 afternoons)
Class Size10 (14 max)10 (14 max)
Course BookIncludedIncluded
Course CodeE29E32
Course DatesEvery MondayEvery Monday
English LevelsA2 – C1A2 – C1
Course Length1 to 48 weeks1 to 48 weeks
Minimum Age16 (23 average)16 (23 average)